Our Vision
Play Scotland’s vision is for Scotland to be a playful nation.
Our Mission
To enable all children and young people in Scotland to have equal opportunities to
participate in diverse and quality play experiences that meet their individual need.
Play Scotland is the national
- expert in play for parents, providers, the play workforce and policy makers
- custodian and voice for children and the play sector
- leader and campaigner for the importance of quality, accessible free play
- expert in developing and delivering strategic planning for play and play sufficiency assessments
Realising the right to play
Play Scotland was formed in 1998 and aimed to make the child’s right to play a reality in Scotland.
Play Scotland’s work is underpinned by article 31 of the UN Convention on the rights of the child, and the UNCRC General Comment No17, which articulates “the need to create time and space for children to engage in spontaneous play, recreation and creativity, and to promote societal attitudes that support and encourage such activity.”
Play Scotland’s core belief is that play is fundamental to a healthy and happy childhood. We can celebrate our success in helping to build a world-leading policy framework for play in Scotland, supported by excellent provision and practice. However we still have a lot of work to do and many challenges to be overcome to deliver our vision for all our children and young people.