Project Wild Thing

Play Scotland is delighted to support the launch of the full-length documentary “Project Wild Thing”, that takes a funny and revealing look at a complex issue of how to get more children outside and reconnecting with nature.

Filmmaker David Bond is a worried man. His kids’ waking hours are dominated by a cacophony of marketing, and a screen dependence threatening to turn them into glassy-eyed zombies. Like city kids everywhere, they spend way too much time indoors – not like it was back in his day.  He decides it’s time to get back to nature – literally.

“This film will change your life” Patrick Barkham, The Guardian

And Project Wild Thing is much more than a film, this is a growing movement of organisations and individuals, now known as The Wild Network – who care deeply about the need for nature connected, free-range, roaming and outdoor playing kids in the 21st century.

Project Wild Thing and The Wild Network is a people powered movement, it’s success will be down to the actions and the energy of this growing community.

If you want nature, wildness and free-range living for kids and adults to exist alongside an increasingly industrialised and technological society then join us and get involved in making that happen.  You can find out more about the film and where it is showing near you at

